GEOG607: Selected Topics in Spatial and Spatiotemporal Analysis
Graduate seminar, Department of Geography, University of Oregon, 2025
This seminar discusses selected topics in spatial and spatiotemporal analyses, including long-standing and newly proposed fundamental issues such as the Modifiable Areal/Temporal Unit Problem and the Uncertain Geographic Context Problem. Opportunities and challenges that spatial and spatiotemporal analyses face in the big data era are also covered, for example, the ethical and geoprivacy issues. For each topic, there will be readings from journal articles and/or book chapters. Students will lead presentations of readings and participate in discussions. Depending on the enrollment size of the class, each student will be a discussion leader at least once during the term. Students will also conduct independent research on a topic covered in the course that they are interested in and/or relevant to their own research. An oral presentation and a 15-page report of student research are required. This report could take the form of an article, a dissertation chapter, or a term paper.